The worst case of anti-competitive behavior we have ever seen in this industry !

Started by MichaelH, June 20, 2021, 12:54:56 PM

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Thank you to one of our friends who sent us the complete mirror of stereonet website. We have it all now. Stereonet has nobbled their search engine so our friends can no longer look for the corruption carried out by the mods. Can't nobble this hard drive can we?. It has turned up some interesting things. Stay tuned.
Nothing to see here. Move along

Tranquility Bass

Just more censorship from the king of censors. Don't like the comment then delete the comment and ban the poster !! 

"Rude and disrespectful" :D LOL

The truth of the matter is stereonet has never been successful outside of Australia and the apparent success in Australia is now questionable in light of the activities above. Profiting out of playing one vendor off against another is not a viable business model and is abhorrent. If you had ever visited their UK forum before it was dismantled you would have seen that it was threadbare with little or no activity. Before the Asia forum was pulled it had no more than a dozen users online at the one time and this was purchased from an existing forum operator !! The entry into the US market has been a total flop and non existent too. If it wasn't for purchasing the databases off existing forum operators in NZ and Singapore the only way stereonet has managed to survive is off the back of fickle Aussies who put up with their crap !




Nothing to see here. Move along

Tranquility Bass

Quote"One has a retail product in the market the other is still trying"

Well we can now see how he does it, without ever having a website and why would he ? Reading that is a bit like entering a one legged man into a butt kicking competition and then later complaining to everyone why he had no chance of winning ! That's how Arthur and his mates work - they make sure you never get a foot in the door and then later criticize you for it :(

It's ironic that Elektra and his foot soldiers on stereonet wanted to leverage off my hard work by selling his amps to you but when I was taking hundreds of his calls over a 7 year period, not once did he invite me to any of his public demos or ever mentioned any of his dealers either past or present. I had to find this out from a google search or by someone mentioning it on a public forum etc and yet here he is trying to muscle in off the back of a customer of mine who has bought one of my products and this joz dude has a cheek to make that comment. Who the hell are these people ?? And I'm still waiting for that phone call from joz to inquire about the preamp. Waiting...waiting...waiting ;)

From the hundreds of phone calls I took from Arthur of Elektra over a 7 year period I only ever had one inquiry from one of Arthur's contacts who wasted my time over a 12 month period and ended up being a tyre kicker. That's all I got from Arthur and his mates. Ironically his phones calls always started with "Sorry to trouble you", and ended up with "when you're ready", and the conversation was always about him wanting to know something and I was his free advisory service but at the same time holding back on everything he knew. A true aussie entrepreneur he called himself. In the end I cut him off and refused to take anymore of his nuisance phone calls and I suggest others do the same ☹

The problem here in this country is the whole industry is about personalities and not about what you can produce or how good you make it. Unless you are part of their club you simply won't be accepted here no matter how good you are. Because of this the imports keep winning out :(


Still plugging away at Elektra for free. Demotion hasn't done anything. We really need an ALL AUSTRALIAN FORUM that promotes Australian talent and content as well as manufacturers rather than a forum that just serves the sole purposes of one persons greed. Allowing the Australian HiFi industry to be held to ransom by paying exorbitant ridiculous fees, being blocked, banned and censored for expressing an opinion that differs from the forum owners aligned industry content, well this has to end and end soon. Someone please start up something that will support the Australian industry especially the start ups.

Nothing to see here. Move along

Quote from: MichaelH on June 03, 2022, 12:09:55 PM
Still plugging away at Elektra for free. Demotion hasn't done anything. We really need an ALL AUSTRALIAN FORUM that promotes Australian talent and content as well as manufacturers rather than a forum that just serves the sole purposes of one persons greed. Allowing the Australian HiFi industry to be held to ransom by paying exorbitant ridiculous fees, being blocked, banned and censored for expressing an opinion that differs from the forum owners aligned industry content, well this has to end and end soon. Someone please start up something that will support the Australian industry especially the start ups.

We are working on it ;)



Its rife over there. Yet another Aussie manufacturer shafted by moderators playing favouritism. Geoff at Aurealis Audio has been s**t on by the mods. He mustn't have paid up.

Nothing to see here. Move along

Tranquility Bass

Quote from: MichaelH on June 10, 2022, 12:23:56 PM
Its rife over there. Yet another Aussie manufacturer shafted by moderators playing favouritism. Geoff at Aurealis Audio has been s**t on by the mods. He mustn't have paid up.

Like myself he mustn't have paid his protection money to the SNA coffers and so they just ignored him and propped up someone else who they thought was a sure bet but has turned out to be unreliable. Just another example of SNA favouring paid-up mediocrity :(


Tranquility Bass

Quote from: on June 03, 2022, 04:08:56 PM
Quote from: MichaelH on June 03, 2022, 12:09:55 PM
Still plugging away at Elektra for free. Demotion hasn't done anything. We really need an ALL AUSTRALIAN FORUM that promotes Australian talent and content as well as manufacturers rather than a forum that just serves the sole purposes of one persons greed. Allowing the Australian HiFi industry to be held to ransom by paying exorbitant ridiculous fees, being blocked, banned and censored for expressing an opinion that differs from the forum owners aligned industry content, well this has to end and end soon. Someone please start up something that will support the Australian industry especially the start ups.

We are working on it ;)


I suggest every aussie and NZ manufacture who is reading this to get on board with this new forum or end up becoming part of australian history and another failed aussie manufacturer statistic as so many before them have.

Every aussie and NZ manufacturer is listed there waiting for authorization from each entity to enable their own individual forum and payment is not due till 12 months after signing up and it will be very competitive and not the SNA ripoff prices that have discouraged so many to date.

As well there is a section for aussie and NZ hifi dealers but these are not listed by default. Hopefully some relationships will be developed between manufacturers and dealers thus supporting local jobs ;)


Tranquility Bass

Ok OzHifi is open for business and I am it's first customer !! And I suggest everyone who takes themselves seriously as a prospective HiFi manufacturer in this country get out from behind the couch and sign up and help make this forum your own !

Check it out ;)


Tranquility Bass

Quote from: MichaelH on June 03, 2022, 12:09:55 PMStill plugging away at Elektra for free. Demotion hasn't done anything. We really need an ALL AUSTRALIAN FORUM that promotes Australian talent and content as well as manufacturers rather than a forum that just serves the sole purposes of one persons greed. Allowing the Australian HiFi industry to be held to ransom by paying exorbitant ridiculous fees, being blocked, banned and censored for expressing an opinion that differs from the forum owners aligned industry content, well this has to end and end soon. Someone please start up something that will support the Australian industry especially the start ups.

 [attachment id=1 msg=543]

This might explain it ! What do they say ? Money talks and BS walks ;)



Is that right? Joz has donated $52585 to this sham Forum? Who the hell donates that amount of money to any forum and still proclaims as a "MODERATOR" they have no influence on any non-sponsors product? That's an incredible amount of money. What's the deal here. It's starting to stink like the Pharmaceutical lobby in Washington and we all know how corrupt that deal is.
Nothing to see here. Move along

Tranquility Bass

At that sort of money it looks more like a business investment to me ;) And now he is just a member or volunteer apparently :D  Anyone else would have been permanently banned years ago and yet the two mods are still there just with a different coat of paint :( Just look at what happened to me. I got banned, removed from the aussie made manufacturers list, and the only thread related to my product is vanquished, and his website forum is nobbled so it takes ages to do a search on anything related to my product :( And this is all my fault of course because he has done no wrong. And to add insult to injury he came at me with his lawyers trying desperately to shut down this forum and hide all of its content from the public. You just can't make this stuff up. Welcome to Australia this is how they do it and why they wax lyrical about the old "Hills Hoist" !

Well stere0get has certainly got their hands full with the cable debacle now. That's what happens when you play favourites and back the wrong horse because you think it is going to pay you more ;)


What a classic this guy is.

Excerpt from here

Of course, hi-fi reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. They're there to offer the reader some meaningful insight into the product being reviewed, one that goes far beyond its marketing spiel. It should be used at the very least as a 'way in' to considering buying a product, something to provoke more thought on the part of the prospective purchaser. If you believe then the product could be for you, it can go on your auditioning shortlist. The rest is then up to you.

So when a well known local reviewer announced that he would be leaving freelance journalism to work for a local hi-fi distributor, we wished him well. He had decades of experience and had worked for every local publication, including StereoNET. Yet despite him moving from one side of the great divide to the other, his job description continued to be 'journalist and reviewer'. And he's now 'reviewing' products that his employer exclusively distributes â€" for the company's own retail website.

There's nothing illegal about this per se, but indeed it is misleading for consumers. Because he's 'reviewing' his employer's products, it amounts to paid advertorial rather than a traditional, notionally impartial review. It's akin to an influencer receiving a free product in return for a good review, except in this case, it's an ongoing salary. The fundamental problem is that the reviews do not state any commercial interests or that this well-respected reviewer is now under the distributor's employ.

This distributor's relationship with the press and various fellow industry members has become fractured. By upsetting the delicate balance between press freedom and mutual support within the industry â€" one that delivers for the industry, the press and consumers alike â€" a bad precedent has been set. I cannot see how this is good for the industry, whichever way I look at it.
Nothing to see here. Move along

Tranquility Bass

Unless objective measurements are made with proper test equipment all of these reviews will be nothing more than a white wash using lots of flowery language and cliches that will never show up any flaws in any equipment they review and I bet you won't find one negative review that stereonet has ever done simply because they only ever review sponsors equipment. They don't randomly take gear off the street like ASR does and then review it with no strings attached so it's a bit like the pot calling the kettle black when they start criticizing other reviewers for doing exactly the same thing they do. In other words those types of reviews are nothing more than glorified adverts.