The worst case of anti-competitive behavior we have ever seen in this industry !

Started by MichaelH, June 20, 2021, 12:54:56 PM

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Tranquility Bass

On Wed, Sep 5, 2018 at 1:26 PM, Marc - Sound Media Group (Australia) <> wrote:

Mick, I genuinely appreciate your apology and yes, it does take a lot to suck it up when you do realise you are / were wrong, so I am grateful.


You can imagine my surprise when I discovered the conspiracy that was forming and being reported back to me, when it was actually so far from the truth. I was gobsmacked. I've been doing what I do for nearly 20 years, and I pride myself on transparency and running a tight ship.


You have discovered exactly what many of us have had the misfortune of discovering with Matthew. I am also privy to the disgusting behaviour shown towards Dave, and I am sorry for him that he is now on the receiving end of Matthew's vitriol.


Without rambling, apology accepted and thank you.


Kind Regards,


Marc Rushton

Managing Director

I read this thread again last night and on further reflection....

Really marc you've been doing this for 20 years ?? You mean you've been doing this for 20 years until you got caught out !! And the result is ?? Another local aussie industry that is essentially on life support whilst the imports flourish as usual and the locals are left fighting amongst themselves over the ever shrinking market share that is left to them. I hope your new found lifestyle and your imported trinnov was worth it mate :( Or better still try and do what I did and design and manufacture a sophisticated audio product from scratch whilst NOT being paid a single cent to do so, and see how much harder it is than sitting in front of some forum software all day pushing the delete key ! It may actually give you a better appreciation of the difficulties involved with trying to do that here in this country with people like yourself undermining their efforts before they have even got off the ground :(


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