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Messages - MichaelH

Here we go again. Yet another attempt to make the "Community" a more dystopian one where Rushton rules the roost.

I have been following this thread since its first post.

You cannot advertise anywhere else unless he benefits.

This is a fine example of "honesty" not "honestly" as he has written. He needs grammar check.

If you want an example of his honesty you don't have to look any further than the thread on here

If you still think this is about honesty then you need your head checked. It's all about him extracting money out of you any way he can. Why not just avoid stereonet altogether. You get better coverage on Gumtree without copping a blast of s**t from this nightie wearing megalomaniac.

Encouraging open communication? Try opening up communication and see where that gets you. Why do you people even put up with his bulls**t? Why doesn't he just come out and say "I WANT MORE MONEY I WANT MORE MONEY." To quote Anthony Holton, "All very typical narcissistic behavior I have seen before. "

It wont be long before his new merchandise is out featuring a range of nighties and blouses for all the arse lickers hanging out of his butt.
What a surprise. I bet you he banned the guy or sent him a "Stern email" outlining his displeasure at this guy posting a rival show on his forum. How dare he? What a petulant little creature he is. Imagine having that as a father?
The Dark Room / Re: Stereonet buys RADAR
March 27, 2023, 10:43:30 AM
Now over 350 pages. Quite possibly the biggest thread on his forum now. He must be hating the fact he can't delete or censor it.

I wonder how long this stays up on that loser Rushtons website. Disables the link to the show hoping no one on stereonet has the ability to copy and paste. Which is probably very true. If he was a dog turd even the blow flies would avoid landing on him.

Here's a link for you Marc. Go buy yourself some new nighties.

The Dark Room / Re: Stereonet buys RADAR
February 16, 2023, 09:04:32 PM
Rushton has taken all the warnings down now. Maybe his underlings told him how much of a (insert your own words here) he looks when he does those warnings and things when he is still wearing his nightie after getting out of his princess bed.
The Dark Room / Re: Stereonet buys RADAR
February 06, 2023, 02:15:47 PM
He needs to change out his nightie when he writes stuff.
The Dark Room / Re: Stereonet buys RADAR
February 06, 2023, 01:24:26 PM
Stereonet sells RADAR and goes into stealth mode as Rushton now resorts to using his female intuition to detect sarcasm which is now banned. He must be having his period this week.

The Dark Room / Stereonet buys RADAR
February 06, 2023, 01:22:00 PM
Rushton has bought a RADAR to detect members who don't comply with his rules. It's all about shutting down the Willsenton thread that has over 300 pages as its detracting from his paying sponsors. This must be killing him that this amplifier has gained the audience it has, ALL FOR FREE. I hope people keep it up.

We know what the complete story is though. Read my post about anti-competitive behavior. One gets played off against another. He's like the NATO of audio forums.
Quote from: Tranquility Bass on September 28, 2022, 05:52:11 PM
Quote from: MichaelH on September 28, 2022, 04:20:42 PMAudioweaver is not hard, they are just not smart enough to know how to use it.

Or simply they don't want to legitimise its use because I use it in my products :( I noticed the US dude who has a competing product to mine only lasted one post and the person who was trying to promote it is now banned. He should have tried his luck promoting an integrated valve amp because he would have had more luck ;)


The protection racket is still well and truly oiled and functioning.

Which brings me to Bills cables. There are other genuine experienced cable makers in Australia who the members of said Forum should have gone too. However Geoff from Aurealis Cables tried to get a foot in the door but refused to pay the protection money so the said members ended up with Bills cables which was heavily promoted by said forum. With what has happened to date with Bills cables I think there is some responsibility and blame at the feet of said forum owner.


You can see from this wayback machine archive how heavily promoted and approved he was.

You can find Aurealis Cables here. He has his own thread on the new forum.

Audioweaver is not hard, they are just not smart enough to know how to use it.
Yet another one comes out of the woodwork. Old davewantsmoore throwing his 2 cents worth in. Here is another guy who can't read a full technical review and come to a conclusion that one product far outperforms another. This is typical of Rushtons little band of gay men. You can tell he knows bugger all as he has said the performance of the UP2 is similar to miniDSP, but if you look at the results on ASR test of miniDSP and compare that to the test results on here, you will see for yourself that the UP2 far outperforms the miniDSP. But poor old Dave doesn't know that because he can't interpret test results.

As for Audiogeek he is recommending a product that isn't anywhere near a release date, has no testing done anywhere to verify its any better than the last piece of rubbish they have been peddling and has never even been heard to date. This is the the type of guy that hangs out on forums, puts his 2 cents worth in without realising inflation has devalued his opinion by 90%. Rushton up to his old tricks again getting his bottom feeders to run other products into the ground. Thats what I love about stereonet, it's great for a laugh when their leader claims to have an engineering degree in both mechanical and electronics but does no testing of any product he reviews. None of these commenters have even heard the UP but they appear to have an expert opinion. These are Rushtons experts. He will do anything to crush people who won't pay him for a mere mention of his forum. If you believe anything that comes out their mouths you get what you deserve. Experts????

The reason it hasn't been done to the extent you have is because they can't DO IT. Those that can do, those that can't don't. That tosser Joz had the hide to say in that PM to me Arthur has a product on the market and you don't. Because there is no way Arthur could steal from DIYAUDIO everything needed to do what you have done. Your measurements prove that you have a world class product. There are hundreds of amplifiers on the market. Why? Because any engineer worth his salt (Except Rushton) can build an amplifier. They are like COCKroaches. And why would anyone compete in that space when Purifi have nailed it for $400? Because they cannot do anything else. DEQX keeps putting back their release date. I wonder if they will release a full set of test figures to the extent you have done. There isn't a single HIFI manufacturer I could find anywhere that has tested and released their figures to the extent you have done. That says it all right there.

Just another opportunity taken to slag you off by people who think fuses increase the sound stage, cable risers improve the midrange, a $5000 rack increases the nuance of the music to a level never heard before. Give me a break. 

I wonder if Rushton will inform the Victoria Police and have me charged with a criminal offence because I used a carriage service to say that he couldn't design an amplifier?

Very sneaky and sly of him to try and get his Sydney show in 4 weeks before the Australian HiFi Show Sydney 2023 bought to you by What Hi-Fi. An organisation with integrity that doesn't stab it's advertisers and sponsors in the back and play them off against each other. Just ask BusiSoft about that one.

But that's just who the guy is, we know that.