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Messages - MichaelH


Stereonet members will love this stuff to go with their fuses, cable risers, $2500 interconnects and the like.
One is a giant. One is a Loudspeaker. One is a midget clown.

Midget man.jpg
The Dark Room / ASR links disabled in stereonet
May 23, 2023, 09:29:24 PM
ASR links now disabled in stereonet. ASR is everything stereonet ISN'T which is why he does this.

Welcome to the amazing world of CLOWN AUDIO where clowns spend all their money on fuses, dots, cable supports and boxes of snot.

It's funny how crawling up some girly swats arsehole is considered a community.

What a classic this guy is.

Excerpt from here

Of course, hi-fi reviews should be taken with a grain of salt. They're there to offer the reader some meaningful insight into the product being reviewed, one that goes far beyond its marketing spiel. It should be used at the very least as a 'way in' to considering buying a product, something to provoke more thought on the part of the prospective purchaser. If you believe then the product could be for you, it can go on your auditioning shortlist. The rest is then up to you.

So when a well known local reviewer announced that he would be leaving freelance journalism to work for a local hi-fi distributor, we wished him well. He had decades of experience and had worked for every local publication, including StereoNET. Yet despite him moving from one side of the great divide to the other, his job description continued to be 'journalist and reviewer'. And he's now 'reviewing' products that his employer exclusively distributes â€" for the company's own retail website.

There's nothing illegal about this per se, but indeed it is misleading for consumers. Because he's 'reviewing' his employer's products, it amounts to paid advertorial rather than a traditional, notionally impartial review. It's akin to an influencer receiving a free product in return for a good review, except in this case, it's an ongoing salary. The fundamental problem is that the reviews do not state any commercial interests or that this well-respected reviewer is now under the distributor's employ.

This distributor's relationship with the press and various fellow industry members has become fractured. By upsetting the delicate balance between press freedom and mutual support within the industry â€" one that delivers for the industry, the press and consumers alike â€" a bad precedent has been set. I cannot see how this is good for the industry, whichever way I look at it.
Has anyone noted where Andythiing started the thread?

It has now been bolted onto another obscure thread to stop Stereonet users from finding it.

Just for reference if you cannot find it on Stereonet forum here is the link
Wishing the "Willsenton R8 Owners & Discussion Thread" on Stereonet a very happy 400th page of posts.

This brings a smile to my dial knowing the thread has taken on a life of its own, detracting and undermining from his paying sponsors and ultimately his bottom line.

This would explain his whinging and whining about people not paying him anything for advertising their second junk on his forum.

To all those who have contributed to the 400+ pages I thank you. I myself have added a many posts just to help keep it going.

Of course he is reading this thread, he's reading the whole forum.
Not good snooping little bitch.
QuoteI don't think that is true because it would be a breach of privacy and against the law so I doubt if any forum software allows this however it seems it might be possible with a plugin for the forum software used by stereonet and some other forum software:-

And your point here is?

Looks like he sold that Radar a tad too soon. He better buy it back and put a dual listing detector in it.  ;D

Better yet he can get his mods to scour the internet to look for dual listings and then bait the person selling.

And he can read the PM's I asked the software maker if it was possible and IT IS.
Here we go again. Yet another attempt to make the "Community" a more dystopian one where Rushton rules the roost.

I have been following this thread since its first post.

You cannot advertise anywhere else unless he benefits.

This is a fine example of "honesty" not "honestly" as he has written. He needs grammar check.

If you want an example of his honesty you don't have to look any further than the thread on here

If you still think this is about honesty then you need your head checked. It's all about him extracting money out of you any way he can. Why not just avoid stereonet altogether. You get better coverage on Gumtree without copping a blast of shit from this nightie wearing megalomaniac.

Encouraging open communication? Try opening up communication and see where that gets you. Why do you people even put up with his bullshit? Why doesn't he just come out and say "I WANT MORE MONEY I WANT MORE MONEY." To quote Anthony Holton, "All very typical narcissistic behavior I have seen before. "
